Diagonal Stride: 1 = touch toque to sky tall body position and look forward with head up and hips forward (not head down and hips back); 2 = twist hips to ssswwwiiinnnggg knee and rotate hips to swing recovery knee forward; 3 = bellybutton follows recovery ski tip forward to keep hips forward during glide; 4 = keep recovery knee bent and point toes down to keep the tip of ski in the track and the tail of ski in the air so the ski doesn't drag forward during recovery; 5 = land your recovery ski forward like an airplane landing (not put it down on in the track behind you); 6 = ssswwwiiinnnggg elbow and rotate shoulder forward; 7 = popcorn snap your kick leg-foot straight down to break the ball of your foot (don't kick back or you will back-slide); 8 = crunch pole and crunch abs to break pole strap; 9 = elbow person behind you to pole back with upper body rotation; 10 = relax muscles like jello during recovery swing.
Double Poling: 1 = drive recovery elbows forward and fall forward from ankles so that your body weight comes up off of heels; 2 = open bellybutton forward; 3 = powerful poling platform with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 4 = crunch poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles at the same time as you collapse ankles with knees collapsing toward ski tips; 5 = crunch-curl your upper body like a cat; 6 = keep weight on the balls of your feet during poling effort (don't sit back on toilet); 7 = recover bounce your elbows and body forward.
Herringbone Uphill: 1 = relax and breathe; 2 = use long relaxed zone 3 bound-strides; 3 = keep recovery feet passing close to each other while stepping up the hill (don't stride with your feet way out to the side; 4 = relaxed upper body.
Kick-Pole (one step double pole): 1 = slide your kicking foot forward one boot length to prepare for powerful kick; 2 = bounce collapse your kicking ankle at the same time you ssswwwiiinnnggg your arms forward using your arm swing bounce to add power to your kick; 3 = snap your kick leg-foot straight down to break the ball of your foot (don't kick back or you will back-slide); 4 = drive everything forward together at the same time bellybutton-hip-knee-foot-ski-shoulders-elbows-poles; 5 = fall forward from ankles so that your body weight comes up off of heels; 6 = open bellybutton forward; 7 = powerful poling platform with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 8 = crunch poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles at the same time as you collapse ankles with knees collapsing toward ski tips; 9 = crunch-curl your upper body like a cat; 10 = keep weight on the balls of your feet during poling effort (don't sit back on toilet); 11 = recover bounce your elbows and body forward.
Finish each workout with 15 minutes of poling strength training, by alternating techniques between double poling up gentle hills or into the wind; and one arm poling on the flats or with the wind, changing techniques from one arm poling before your arm completely fatigues.
One Arm Poling Key Words: 1 = ski tall to touch head to sky; 2 = rotate-twist shoulders to reach forward with elbows; 3 = open bellybutton forward; 4 = crunch pole with abs to break pole strap; 5 = rotate-twist shoulders to elbow the person behind you; 6 = one arm pole with whole upper body and not just your arms.
Two Skate Technique Key Words: RECOVERY: 1 = touch "toque to sky" tall body position and look forward with head up and hips forward (not head down and hips back); 2 = "step forward" with recovery foot toward opposite ski tip; 3 = land on "outside edge" of ski; 4 = land your recovery ski forward like an "airplane" landing (not put it down on in the track behind you); 5 = glide with weight on your "baby toe" side of ski for a flat ski; 6 = "bellybutton follows" recovery ski tip forward to keep hips forward during glide; 7 = open bellybutton body tall; 8 = "collapse" ankles to "bounce" your body weight like a beach ball; 9 = "ssswwwiiinnnggg" elbows forward off of kicking foot to add power to your kick; POWER: 10 = "crunch" poles to break pole straps with upper body crunch; 11 = "karate kick" down and kick perpendicular 90 degrees to the side; 12 = follow through behind with giant arm swing (but remember that you are moving your bellybutton forward in the opposite direction of the arm swing); 13 = timing is "One-Two," with One being your kick with one leg and Two being both of your poles and kick with the other leg.
One Skate Technique Key Words: 1 = create more power from the upper body crunch compared to two skate; 2 = open bellybutton forward; 3 = "crunch" poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles; 3 = powerful upper body "poling platform" with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 4 = "crunch-curl" your upper body like a cat; 5 = short poling action with hands stopping beside legs (don't follow through with arms like two skate); 6 = short "quick karate kick" action; 7 = timing is "pole-kick."
Uphill Offset Technique Key Words: 1 = keep weight on "toes" with hips forward up the hill; 2 = timing is both "poles and feet contact" the snow at the same micro-milli second as your recovery foot; 3 = "answer telephone" with upper hand; 4 = move head side to side; 4 = "quick and light" short step up up the hill; 5 = "push knees" toward ski tips for glide; 6 = reach upper elbow forward and platform pole with both arms using a short "abdominal crunch" against pole straps; 7 = "equal kick" with both legs to the side; 8 = spend 66.66% percent of your time working on your non-favourite side; 9 = "switch sides" half-way up each hill with a "quick-pole-pole" transition.
Finish each workout with 15 minutes of poling strength training, by alternating techniques between double poling up gentle hills or into the wind; and one arm poling on the flats or with the wind, changing techniques from one arm poling before your arms completely fatigue.
One Arm Poling Key Words: 1 = "ski tall" to touch head to sky; 2 = "rotate-twist shoulders" to reach forward with elbows; 3 = open bellybutton forward; 4 = "crunch" abs to break pole straps with your abs; 5 = rotate-twist shoulders to "elbow the person behind you;" 6 = one arm pole with "whole upper body" and not just your arms.
Tuck Key Words: 1 = "breathe and relax" leg muscles; 2 keep weight on "balls of feet;" 3 = drop body "weight low" to the ground; 4 = bend "back flat parallel" to ground; 5 = hands together in front of you.
Downhill Corner Turn Key Words: 1 = "breathe and relax" all muscles; 2 = keep weight on "balls of feet;" 3 = drop body "weight low" to the ground; 4 = choose the "best line" by swinging wide to the outside of the turn; 5 = "wave arms" out to the side like wings on a bird for counter balance; 6 = start five "quick steps" with inside foot before turning; 7 = "lead turn with your eyes" looking at the path you want your skis to follow; 8 = lead turn with "inside hand" moving forward; 9 = lead turn with "inside foot" stepping forward about a half ski boot length; 10 = take "quick tiny popcorn steps" while going around the corner; 11 = keep your "feet moving quick until you complete your turn";" 12 = "breathe and relax" when going straight again.
Step Turn Key Words: 0 = used on flat terrain to accelerate around a corner; 2 = "lead turn with your eyes" looking at the path you want your skis to follow; 3 = reach forward with both elbows with a double-poling swing; 4 = at the same time "step forward" to lead the turn with your outside foot; 5 = both poles and your outside foot "contact" the snow at the very same time; 6 = powerful "crunch pole and karate kick" at the same time to push body around the corner; 7 = sharp fast corner use "quick kick-pole;" 8 = long slow corner use more "powerful kick-pole."
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