Tuesday, July 26

Lakeland Runners = July-September Information

Howdy Lakeland Runners!

Hot Weather Update...with 30 degree temperatures =  Morning Training: To avoid training in the heat of the day, train early in the mornings when the weather is cool. 
Wake up early; drink lots of water; eat a light breakfast; drink more water; go for a 15 minute walk.
Then, drink more water and start your training.

We will now be using this blog: http://www.coachles.blogspot.com to communicate all information about our running program. We will no longer be sending emails. Please share my blog to invite your friends from other sports to run with us. New families are welcome to join us!

To contact me, please email lesparsonsgreen@yahoo.ca 
If your communication is urgent, text me: 780-691-6912 I'll phone you back as soon as I am able.

For those of you wondering when our next team practice is?
Join us tomorrow, Wednesday July 27th, 5:30pm-7:30pm at Moose Lake Provincial Park + swimming after, for cool down! See details on my blog...

Parents...please share our information with your youth, giving them the responsibility to develop their athlete schedule of personal organization & time management.

Parents are encouraged to take part with our team, and/or walk along to observe practices. Or, parents are encouraged to walk or jog with other parents during practices, or play with the rest of your family play at nearby playgrounds while our team is practicing.

Summer Screens or Summer Sports? As your coaches, we are extremely concerned about screen technology impacting our society, especially the reality of screen addictions on our youth. Screen dependency damages developing brains, lives & relationships. We encourage you to "Swap Screens for Sports!"

I will be updating my blog next week, with the following information: Training Journal Scribblers, Kenyan Warm-Up & Cool-Down Routine; Strength Training Circuit, Running Technique Key Words.

SAFETY FIRST is always our #1 concern:
Cycling is our most high risk activity. Parents MUST approve of bike routes on roads that are safe for cycling, with low traffic. The reality of distracted drivers on phones makes cycling even more risky. Wearing an extremely bright white shirt is mandatory, for optimal visibility for vehicle traffic. Never cycle into the sun, when drivers have poor visibility of sun shining through their windshields into their eyes. Helmets are mandatory. Adjust bike seats, by raising the seat so that your knee is almost straight when your feet are at the bottom of your pedal rotation.

Bears/cougars are a concern. Run or mountain bike with a friend on wilderness trails. 

Dehydration causes physiological damage, especially in hot weather. Pre-hydrate before training, by drinking 2 or 3 glasses of water 15 minutes before exercise. And, always bringing extra water with you when traveling to & from practices.
Water-Water-Water: Proper hydration is super critical in the hot summer months. 
Drink lots of water all day long. Avoid sport drinks & energy drinks. Drink plain water.
Drink a full water bottle the hour before training. Take two water bottles to every training.
Drink a half water bottle on the drive to practice. Drink a full water after training.

Heat Stroke - Morning Training: To avoid training in the heat of the day, train early in the mornings when the weather is cool. 
Wake up early; drink lots of water; eat a light breakfast; drink more water; go for a 15 minute walk.
Then, drink more water and start your training.

Progression: Prevention of injuries is a key priority for all of us. 
To prevent impact injuries from running, slowly & gradually increase the number of minutes you run each week.
We coach new runners to start with 5 & 10 &15 minute runs for a few weeks.
Then, gradually increase the numbers of minutes your run each week.

"Track Running" is around a school track or grass sports field, training us to run at a fast pace speed over shorter distances. We can challenge ourselves to improve our running technique and tempo.
"Trail Running" is on a grass trail in a park or forest, training us to run up & down hills, over longer distances. We can discover nature trails around our Lakeland wilderness, making running a fun adventure. 

Car-Pool to travel to practices. Arrange car-pooling with other team parents from your community, to share transportation to practices, and to make travel more FUN for youth to socialize.

Rain or Shine: Try to schedule your running in dry weather. If that is not possible, running in the rain once in a while is FUN! But, rain & water do deteriorate your running shoes, so try to keep your feet as dry as possible.

Cross-Training: It is good to do a variety of exercise & sports, for cross-training. Ask your family & neighbours to give you the chores that require the most physical exercise, around the house, yard & farm.

Bottom Line about Training: IF you are very busy with family commitments or summer jobs, simply plan to exercise every day, alternating between running and riding a bike. 

Bottom Line about Attitude: Stay Positive! Do not compare yourself to other athletes. We only compare ourselves to ourselves. We encourage you to be fair and kind to yourself, by starting where you are at with your current fitness level today, and progressively build up your fitness over the next few months & years.

###-July practices include: welcome & introduction to team; team talk; safety talk; warm-up routine; running & jogging technique; training principles; training programs; preparation for races/practices; athlete lifestyle; questions & answers. Dress to be active. Bring your old running shoes, 2 water bottles, snacks, pen & paper note book, clothing for hot sun or cold rain, and insect repellant. For after practice, bring a healthy bag lunch and a change of clothing for travel home. 

Progression: Prevention of injuries is a key priority for all of us. 
To prevent impact injuries from running, slowly & gradually increase the number of minutes you run each week.
We coach new runners to start with 5 & 10 &15 minute runs for a few weeks.
Then, gradually increase the numbers of minutes your run each week.

Breakfast is the Key Meal of Champions!
Dorset Cereal: Go to your local grocery store to buy Dorset Cereal, in the breakfast cereal isle or organic food shelves. 
It is THE healthiest breakfast cereal, with no sugar, and full of delicious nuts & fruits & grains.  
Plus Dorset is a tasty & healthy substitute for sugary granola bars, and is low cost to help with family budgets.
Eggs: Eat a couple of eggs every day = complete amino acids to help meet your protein needs.

Weekly Training: Our training program below is simply a "Base" schedule for your reference. 
We encourage all runners to modify & adapt your training schedule, based on your family schedule, summer jobs, other sports, transportation (consider car pooling with others from your community).
We encourage everyone to take one day off each week as a rest & recovery day. 
Slow biking or hiking or swimming is an excellent alternative for rest & recovery days.

Self-Training: We only meet for team training once or twice per week. Athletes are responsible for your most important training...your "Self-Training" by yourself or with a teammate friend. The training you do 5 or 6 days per week on your own, will make a greater improvement on your fitness, compared to the training we do as a team, 1 or 2 days per week.

Not able to attend Team Practices? No problem, if you are not able to join us for team practices, run them on your own, close to home, early in the morning.

Mon July 4th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min + Strength Circuit

Tue July 5th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min. 

Wed July 6th: run track intervals, around a 400 meter school track; run medium speed intensity intervals at 66% effort of your race pace
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 66% effort of race pace around 400 meter lap and jog very slowly around 400 meter lap to recover
ages 8-10 = repeat two intervals; 11-12 = repeat three;13-14 = repeat four; 15-16 = repeat five; 17-18 repeat six 
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Thu July 7th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60min + Strength Circuit

Fri July 8th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 minutes; 11-12 x 20 min; 13-14 x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min 

Sat July 9th:10:00am-12:00pm Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. See ###-July above for practice outline, including preparation for practices/races to help you develop your individualized prep for any team sport like hockey, soccer, basketball, or individual sport including cross country running meets and track meets.
Athletes not able to attend, ask your parents to use their phone to record your time for your 800 or 1600 meter time trial.
Track Time Trial: everyone will have a chance to run an 800 meter (ages 8-14) or 1600 meter (ages 15-18) track time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
to record your personal best base time for these race distances;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator. If that doesn't motivate athletes, special chocolate awards will recognize the athletes who improve their times with the greatest percentage decrease between July and November.

Sun July 10th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon July 11th: 5:30pm-7:30pm Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. See July 9th above for practice outline. For athletes who attended practice last Saturday, or those who are not able to attend today, we will coach the introduction to Track Intensity Intervals. 
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap
Intensity Intervals: run 200 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 200 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat three intervals at 60-70-80%
11-12 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
13-14 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
15-16 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80%
17-18 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80%
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Tue July 12th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed July 13th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Thu July 14th: 5:30pm-7:30pm Team Practice at Muriel Lake MD Park Campground, a 20 minute drive southeast of Bonnyville Muriel Lake Campground - Google Maps and park by the main entrance to the park. See July 9th above for practice outline. For athletes not able to attend, develop your own 1/2/3/4/5 km cross country running trail course at a park close to your home. Ask your parents to record your xc running time trial, and email/text me your results.
XC Run Time Trial: everyone will have a chance to do a XC Run time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
to record your personal best base time for these race distances;
8-10 x 1km; 11-12 x 2km; 13-14 x 3km; 15-16 x 4km; 17-18 x 5km;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator.

Fri July 15th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 25 min; 17-18 x 30 min 

Saturday July 16th: 10:00am-12:00pm, Team Practice at Muriel Lake MD Park Campground, a 20 minute drive southeast of Bonnyville Muriel Lake Campground - Google Maps and park by the main entrance to the park. See July 9th above for practice outline. 
For athletes who attended practice last Thursday, or those who are not able to attend today, we will coach the introduction to XC Run Intervals. 
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly along the trail for 10 minutes
Intensity Intervals: run 1 minute intervals along a grass path or trail, at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 1 minute to recover;
8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80%
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80%
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80%
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 10 minutes 

Sun July 17th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon July 18th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min 

Tue July 19th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit
Wed July 20th: 5:30pm-7:30pm, Team Practice (and swim) at Moose Lake Provincial Park, a 20 minute drive northwest of Bonnyville Moose Lake PP Parking - Google Maps When you enter the park gate, instead of driving to the campground, take your first left hand turn & drive down the gravel road for 15 seconds. We are parking beside the boat launch. See ###-July above for practice outline. 
For athletes who are not able to attend today, we will coach the introduction to XC Run Intervals. 
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly along the trail for 10 minutes
Intensity Intervals: run fast 1 minute intervals along a grass path or trail, at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog slowly for 1 minute to recover;
8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80%
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80%
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80%
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 10 minutes 
Bring your swim suit & towel for a cool down swim in the lake after the end of practice.

Thu July 21st: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min + Strength Circuit

Fri July 22nd: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 25 min; 13-14 x 30 min; 15-16 x 35 min; 17-18 x 40 min 

Sat July 23rd: 9:00am-11:00am Team Practice (and swim) at Muriel Lake MD Park Campground, a 20 minute drive southeast of Bonnyville Muriel Lake Campground - Google Maps and park by the main entrance to the park. See ###-July above for practice outline. For athletes not able to attend, develop your own 1/2/3/4/5 km cross country running trail course at a park close to your home. Ask your parents to record your xc running time trial, and email/text me your results.
XC Run Time Trial: everyone will have a chance to do a XC Run time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
to record your personal best base time for these race distances;
8-10 x 1km; 11-12 x 2km; 13-14 x 3km; 15-16 x 4km; 17-18 x 5km;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
Bring your swim suit & towel for a cool down swim in the lake after the end of practice.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator.

Sun July 24th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon July 25th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 25 minutes; 11-12 years x 30 min; 13-14 years x 35 min; 15-16 x 40 min; 17-18 x 45 min + Strength Circuit

Tue July 26th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Wed July 27th: 5:30pm-7:30pm, Team Practice (and swim) at Moose Lake Provincial Park, a 20 minute drive northwest of Bonnyville Moose Lake PP Parking - Google Maps When you enter the park gate, instead of driving to the campground, take your first left hand turn & drive down the gravel road for 15 seconds. We are parking beside the boat launch. See ###-July above for practice outline. 
For athletes who are not able to attend today, we will coach the introduction to XC Run Intervals. 
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly along the trail for 10 minutes
Intensity Intervals: run fast 1 minute intervals along a grass path or trail, at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 1 minute to recover;
8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80%
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80%
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80%
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 10 minutes 
Bring your swim suit & towel for a cool down swim in the lake after the end of practice.

Thu July 28th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min + Strength Circuit

NOTE: I am away for the Long Weekend, so everyone is responsible for their own Self-Training.

Fri July 29th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 25 min; 13-14 x 30 min; 15-16 x 35 min; 17-18 x 40 min 

Over the Long Weekend = Fri July 29th or Sat July 30th or Sun July 31st or Mon Aug 1st...
Self-Track Time Trial: over the long weekend, at the school track closest to your community, everyone can run an 800 meter (ages 8-14) or 1600 meter (ages 15-18) track time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
ask your parents to use their phone to record your time for your 800 or 1600 meter time trial;
record your personal best base time for these race distances;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
+ please email or text Coach Les with your recorded times for your Track Time Trial.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator. If that doesn't motivate athletes, special chocolate awards will recognize the athletes who improve their times with the greatest percentage decrease between July and November.

Fri July 29th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 25 min; 13-14 x 30 min; 15-16 x 35 min; 17-18 x 40 min 

Sat July 30th: adventure trail jog on a wilderness forest or lake trail; drink LOTS before you start; jog slowly; 8-10 years x 40 minutes; 11-12 years x 50 min; 13-14 years x 60 min; 15-16 x 70 min; 17-18 x 80 min + Strength Circuit

Sun July 31st : bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Aug 1st: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 25 minutes; 11-12 years x 30 min; 13-14 years x 35 min; 15-16 x 40 min; 17-18 x 45 min + Strength Circuit

Tue Aug 2nd: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Wed Aug 3rd: 5:30pm-7:30pm, Team Practice (and swim) at Moose Lake Provincial Park, a 20 minute drive northwest of Bonnyville Moose Lake PP Parking - Google Maps When you enter the park gate, instead of driving to the campground, take your first left hand turn & drive down the gravel road for 15 seconds. We are parking beside the boat launch. See ###-July above for practice outline. 
For athletes who are not able to attend today, we will coach the introduction to XC Run Intervals. 
Warm Up: for all ages; jog slowly along the trail for 10 minutes
Intensity Intervals: run fast 2 minute intervals along a grass path or trail, at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 2 minutes to recover;
8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
11-12 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80%
13-14 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
15-16 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80%
17-18 = repeat ssix intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80%
Cool Down: for all ages, jog slowly for 10 minutes 
Bring your swim suit & towel for a cool down swim in the lake after the end of practice.

Thu Aug 4th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min + Strength Circuit

Fri Aug 5th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 25 min; 13-14 x 30 min; 15-16 x 35 min; 17-18 x 40 min 

Sat Aug 6th: adventure trail jog on a wilderness forest or lake trail; drink LOTS before you start; jog slowly; 8-10 years x 40 minutes; 11-12 years x 50 min; 13-14 years x 60 min; 15-16 x 70 min; 17-18 x 80 min + Strength Circuit

Sun Aug 7th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Aug 8th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Aug 9th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed Aug 10th: 5:30pm-6:45pm, Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. See ###-July above for practice outline, including preparation for practices/races to help you develop your individualized prep for any team sport like hockey, soccer, basketball, or individual sport including cross country running meets and track meets.
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any friends who want to learn how to run with proper technique.
Athletes not able to attend, ask your parents to use their phone to record your time for your 800 or 1600 meter time trial.
Track Time Trial: everyone will have a chance to run an 800 meter (ages 8-14) or 1600 meter (ages 15-18) track time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
to record your personal best base time for these race distances;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator. If that doesn't motivate athletes, special chocolate awards will recognize the athletes who improve their times with the greatest percentage decrease between July and November.

Thu Aug 11th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Fri Aug 12th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Aug 13th: 10am-11:30am, Team Practice at Muriel Lake MD Park Campground, or Self Train at home Muriel Lake Campground - Google Maps a 20 minute drive southeast of Bonnyville. Park by the main entrance to the park. Bring along any friends who want to run with us. Our primary focus is coaching running technique for trails, including up hills & down hill. We will be coaching runners how to do intensity intervals = running fast up hills alternating with jogging slowly down hills. 
For those of you who are not available to join us for team practice, do the same, running up hills fast at 90% effort of race pace, and jog down hills and flat sections of the trail very slowly to recover. If you only have a flat trail to run on; run Intensity Intervals, running 1 minute fast & jogging 1 minute very slowly, 
ages 8-10 = repeat six intervals
11-12 = repeat seven intervals 
13-14 = repeat eight  intervals
15-16 = repeat ten intervals 
17-18 = repeat twelve intervals

Team Practice = Warm-up routine; running & jogging technique; training principles; training programs; preparation for races/practices; athlete lifestyle; questions & answers. Dress to be active. Bring your old running shoes, 2 water bottles, snacks, pen & paper note book, clothing for hot sun or cold rain, and insect repellant. For after practice, bring a healthy bag lunch and a change of clothing for travel home. 

Sun Aug 14th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Aug 15th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Aug 16th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed Aug 17th: 5:30pm-6:45pm, Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any friends who want to learn how to run with proper technique. We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, but still maintain proper technique.
Track Time Trial: everyone will have a chance to run an 800 meter (ages 8-14) or 1600 meter (ages 15-18) track time trial, for one reason;
to learn "pacing" and how to pace oneself for a running race;
to record your personal best base time for these race distances;
so that you can compare yourself against yourself;
when we repeat the same track time trial distance in August, September, October & November.
Athletes not able to attend, ask your parents to use their phone to record your time for your 800 or 1600 meter time trial.
Motivation? Measuring improvement of personal best performance is a real motivator. If that doesn't motivate athletes, special chocolate awards will recognize the athletes who improve their times with the greatest percentage decrease between July and November.

Thu Aug 18th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Fri Aug 19th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Aug 20th: trail hike/jog adventure with your family & friends; discover a new trail at a park in your region; jog/run slowly while exploring new trails in the forest or by a lake; carry Bear Spray;  8-10 x 45 min; 11-12 x 60 min; 13-14 x 75 min; 15-16 x 90 min; 17-18 x 115min 

Sun Aug 21st: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Aug 22nd: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Aug 23rd: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed Aug 24th: 5:30pm-6:45pm, Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any friends who want to learn how to run with proper technique. 
We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, at different % efforts, but still maintain proper technique.
We will also introduce runners to how to run intensity intervals; 
warm up for all ages including barefoot figure eight exercises;
jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 300 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool downfor all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Thu Aug 25th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Fri Aug 26th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Aug 27th: (Coach Les is away this weekend) trail hike/jog adventure with your family & friends; discover a new trail at a park in your region; jog/run slowly while exploring new trails in the forest or by a lake; carry Bear Spray;  8-10 x 45 min; 11-12 x 60 min; 13-14 x 75 min; 15-16 x 90 min; 17-18 x 115min 

Sun Aug 28th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Aug 29th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Aug 30th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed Aug 31st: Because of the extreme heat forecast, I strongly recommend you run in the morning at +13 weather instead of the afternoon +33 heat. 
"IF"  it cools off to +23 or cooler = 4:30pm-5:30pm, Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville.
Self Train at home or at your local track:
Warm up for all ages including barefoot figure eight exercises;
jog slowly for 5 minutes or 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter (or 2 minutes on a trail) intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 400 meters (or two minutes on a trail) to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool down for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters, including barefoot figure eight exercises.

Thu Sep 1st: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Fri Sep 2nd: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Sep 3rd: (Coach Les is away for the long weekend) trail hike/jog adventure with your family & friends; discover a new trail at a park in your region; jog/run slowly while exploring new trails in the forest or by a lake; carry Bear Spray;  8-10 x 45 min; 11-12 x 60 min; 13-14 x 75 min; 15-16 x 90 min; 17-18 x 115min 

Sun Sep 4th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Sep 5th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Sep 6th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 20 min; 11-12 x 30 min; 13-14 x 40 min; 15-16 x 50 min; 17-18 x 60 min + Strength Circuit

Wed Sep 7th: 5:00pm-6:15pm, Team Practice at Walsh Field 49th ave - 46 st Bonnyville, or Self Train at home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any friends who want to learn how to run with proper technique. 
We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, at different % efforts, but still maintain proper technique.
We will also introduce runners to how to run intensity intervals; 
warm up for all ages including barefoot figure eight exercises;
jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 300 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool down for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Thu Sep 8th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Fri Sep 9th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Sep 10th: (Coach Les is away this weekend) trail hike/jog adventure with your family & friends; discover a new trail at a park in your region; jog/run slowly while exploring new trails in the forest or by a lake; carry Bear Spray;  8-10 x 45 min; 11-12 x 60 min; 13-14 x 75 min; 15-16 x 90 min; 17-18 x 115min 

Sun Sep 11th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Sep 12th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Sep 13th: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Team Practice at Slawuta Pond beside Notre Dame School, or Self Train at a school track near your home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any school friends or teammates from your cross country running team, who want to learn how to run with proper technique. 
We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, at different % efforts, but still maintain proper technique.
We will also introduce runners to how to run intensity intervals; 
after coaching everyone how to warm up, including barefoot figure eight exercises and Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
Intensity Intervals, running 1 minute fast & jogging 1 minute very slowly, 
ages 8-10 = repeat six intervals
11-12 = repeat seven intervals 
13-14 = repeat eight  intervals
15-16 = repeat ten intervals 
17-18 = repeat twelve intervals

Athletes who train at home on their school track: 
barefoot figure eight exercises;
Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 300 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool down for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Wed Sep 14th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Our 2022 Bonnyville Terry Fox Run is a focus on the reality of the tough trail that Terry Fox experienced in the last couple years of his life. Terry's Tough Trail is a similar trail that Coach Les experienced, in dealing with cancer 16 years ago, when he lost his stomach and half of his liver through cancer surgery. Les' close call with death, is one of the reasons he is the run organizer for the Bonnyville Terry Fox Run. Knowing the tough trail Terry experienced, combined with my experience, I thought to myself: "Why not encourage others to experience a taste of Terry's tough trail?"
This year's Bonnyville Terry Fox Run will provide walkers, joggers, runners, bikers, wheelchairs and dog-walkers with a "trail" experience.
Three different dates will be offered to participants, because many people are not available on the traditional date of Sunday September 18th.
And, three different trails will be offered to participants, who can choose trail distances of 1km, 2kms, 4kms and 8kms:

Thursday September 15th, Terry Fox Run, between 4:00pm-6:30pm at Jessie Lake
The Jessie Lake Paved Trail: The paved trail is the most popular of our Jessie Lake Walking Trails, starting and finishing at the Bonnyville Splash Park. The trail is flat and accessible to all, and is one of nature's "gems" in our Town of Bonnyville, providing people with a beautiful lakeside adventure.
The Jessie Lake "Tree Trail" is new this year. It parallels the paved walking trail, but follows the shoreline of Jessie Lake, staying on the grass, winding it's way along the shore of the lake and between the giant trees in the park. Starting and finishing at the Bonnyville Splash Park, this flat trail is also accessible to everyone, because our Town's Parks Staff do an excellent job of cutting the grass along the lake.
For more information about the Terry Fox Run, to access a pledge sheet or to sponsor our run (if you are not available to join us): Join a run today! - Terry Fox Foundation

Fri Sep 16th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 20 min; 13-14 x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min 

Saturday September 17th, between 9:00am-11:00am,Terry Fox Run - Terry's Tough Trail at the MD of Bonnyville - Muriel Lake Park Muriel Lake Campground - Google Maps 
Terry's Tough Trail follows the park's forest trails by the lake, a perfect wilderness adventure for families! This is a super safe wide multiuse grass path offering a challenge to nature hikers, joggers, runners, mountain bikers and dogs! You can choose the distance of your choice, between 1km and 8kms.
People can arrive at the park gate to start any time between 9:00am-11:00am. Walkers, joggers and runners who would like to start together at the same time, are welcome to arrive at 9:00am to warm up with Coach Les, and start at 9:30am.
For more information about the Terry Fox Run, to access a pledge sheet or to sponsor our run (if you are not available to join us): Join a run today! - Terry Fox Foundation

Sunday September 18th, Terry Fox Run, between 8:00am-9:30am AND between 1:00pm-2:30pm at Jessie Lake
The Jessie Lake Paved Trail: The paved trail is the most popular of our Jessie Lake Walking Trails, starting and finishing at the Bonnyville Splash Park. The trail is flat and accessible to all, and is one of nature's "gems" in our Town of Bonnyville, providing people with a beautiful lakeside adventure.
The Jessie Lake "Tree Trail" is new this year. It parallels the paved walking trail, but follows the shoreline of Jessie Lake, staying on the grass, winding it's way along the shore of the lake and between the giant trees in the park. Starting and finishing at the Bonnyville Splash Park, this flat trail is also accessible to everyone, because our Town's Parks Staff do an excellent job of cutting the grass along the lake.
For more information about the Terry Fox Run, to access a pledge sheet or to sponsor our run (if you are not available to join us): Join a run today! - Terry Fox Foundation

Mon Sep 19th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 years x 15 minutes; 11-12 years x 20 min; 13-14 years x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min + Strength Circuit

Tue Sep 20th: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Team Practice at Slawuta Pond beside Notre Dame School, or Self Train at a school track near your home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any school friends or teammates from your cross country running team, who want to learn how to run with proper technique. 
We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, at different % efforts, but still maintain proper technique.
We will also introduce runners to how to run intensity intervals; 
after coaching everyone how to warm up, including barefoot figure eight exercises and Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
Intensity Intervals, running 1 minute fast & jogging 1 minute very slowly, 
ages 8-10 = repeat six intervals
11-12 = repeat seven intervals 
13-14 = repeat eight  intervals
15-16 = repeat ten intervals 
17-18 = repeat twelve intervals

Athletes who train at home on their school track: 
barefoot figure eight exercises;
Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 300 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool down for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Wed Sep 21st: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Thu Sep 22nd:  trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Fri Sep 23rd: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Sat Sep 24th: (Coach Les is away this weekend) trail hike/jog adventure with your family & friends; discover a new trail at a park in your region; jog/run slowly while exploring new trails in the forest or by a lake; carry Bear Spray;  8-10 x 45 min; 11-12 x 60 min; 13-14 x 75 min; 15-16 x 90 min; 17-18 x 115min 

Sun Sep 25th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Mon Sep 26th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Tue Sep 27th: 4:00pm-5:00pm, Team Practice at Slawuta Pond beside Notre Dame School, or Self Train at a school track near your home. 
Our primary focus is coaching running technique, so please bring along any school friends or teammates from your cross country running team, who want to learn how to run with proper technique. 
We will also coach runners how to run at different speeds, at different % efforts, but still maintain proper technique.
We will also introduce runners to how to run intensity intervals; 
after coaching everyone how to warm up, including barefoot figure eight exercises and Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
Intensity Intervals, running 1 minute fast & jogging 1 minute very slowly, 
ages 8-10 = repeat six intervals
11-12 = repeat seven intervals 
13-14 = repeat eight  intervals
15-16 = repeat ten intervals 
17-18 = repeat twelve intervals

Athletes who train at home on their school track: 
barefoot figure eight exercises;
Kenyan warm up routine range-of-motion exercises;
jog slowly for 800 meters = two times around the 400 meter lap;
Intensity Intervals: run 400 meter intervals at 10% increasing efforts of race pace and jog very slowly for 300 meters to recover;
ages 8-10 = repeat four intervals at 60-70-80-80% efforts
11-12 = repeat five intervals at 60-70-80-80-80% efforts
13-14 = repeat six intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80% efforts
15-16 = repeat seven intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
17-18 = repeat eight intervals at 60-70-80-80-80-80-80-80% efforts
cool down for all ages, jog slowly for 800 meters

Wed Sep 28th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 30 min; 11-12 x 40 min; 13-14 x 50 min; 15-16 x 60 min; 17-18 x 70 min 

Thursday September 29th: trail run; jog slowly on a grass sports field or park trail in the forest; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 15 min; 13-14 x 20 min; 15-16 x 20 min; 17-18 x 25 min 

Fri Sep 30th: bike slowly; 8-10 x 15 min; 11-12 x 20 min; 13-14 x 25 min; 15-16 x 30 min; 17-18 x 35 min