Northern Nordic 2013 Draft Calendar:
*All of these camps will be run on a cost recovery basis, with minimum camp fees to cover any guest coach or guest athlete travel expenses, and, accommodation costs, food costs, and any trail fees of all camp participants. Our camps will be co-coached by participating Northern Nordic Club Volunteer Coaches, and, administered by host club volunteers for registration and any camp costs. Or, we can charge a small camp fee to have our Cross Country Alberta office do the registration. Or, other ideas please?
Late October = Northern Nordic Frozen Thunder Ski Technique Training Camp in Canmore.
Focus on ski technique feedback for Juveniles & older, and, coaching development x ski technique.
Camp will include: reviewing the racing footage ski technique of World Cup athletes, ski technique feedback, ski waxing seminar; hands on waxing sessions for all athletes, advanced race waxing session for coaches, National Team Guest Coaches for technique & National Team Guest Athletes for seminars, coaching development, other ideas?
Logistics: Arrive on Friday night and finish on Sunday mid-afternoon. Car pool travel. Minimum parental support required...developing athlete independence. Accommodation = Banff Boundary Lodge x sharing big suites.
November 8-11 = Northern Nordic Lake Louise Ski Technique Training Family Camp in Lake Louise.
Focus on ski technique for Mini-Midgets and older (younger skiers are welcome to attend).
Camp will include: video technique feedback, race preparation, other details to be confirmed.
November 16-18 = Northern Nordic Ski Technique Training Camp; Youth Family Camp in Northern Alberta...hopefully Camrose or Athabasca, or back up sites most likely to have snow and with a club that is willing to host us = Hinton, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Drayton Valley, Edmonton, Strathcona Wilderness Centre, Vermilion, Red Deer...and ONLY if we have to, Northern Saskatchewan.
Focus on ski technique for Jackrabbits, Track Attack, Mini-Midgets, Midgets & older = for younger athletes, parent volunteer coaches, new recruit athletes, who don't travel the long road to Lake Louise the previous weekend.
Camp will include...details to be confirmed...
Logistics: Arrive on Friday night and finish on Sunday afternoon. Car pool travel. LOTS of parent support required. Accommodation = a school we can use as a training camp base for sleeping & eating.
Summary of Club Coaches Feedback to First Draft of Northern Nordic Calendar = avoid end of June date x some schools on June 29th // don't have a camp to close to Swift Camp dates // ask Beckie to continue to be a guest coach // Jasper is an dream location for a training camp // some club coaches will help coach as long as they can learn by coaching with experienced coaches from other clubs // some bigger clubs already have scheduled spring-summer-fall training camp dates in their calendars // some smaller clubs don't have training camps and want to join larger clubs for their camps // coaches from larger clubs welcome smaller clubs to join them // if possible schedule Frozen Thunder during Canmore ski equipment swap // at some camps like Frozen Thunder provide one day options for busy families // some camps like Lake Louise = let clubs provide their own training camps to build their own team relationships // or at Lake Louise plan to do ski technique with NorNor coaches & athletes working together in technique groups...and...then do their own club team building in the evenings // or at Lake Louise plan to have club coaches do their own ski technique during the day...and...then do inter-club guest coach - guest athlete presentations & social things in the evenings // spread out the two November camps by a couple of weeks // continue with coaching development and coaching mentoring during the camps // avoid the dates close to the AST-ADT so that all club athletes can take part in NorNor camps // or schedule NorNor camps at the very same time as AST-ADT camps so that the athletes who are not on the AST-ADT do not feel like left-overs // invite all Alberta clubs to our camps including the southern clubs // not much interest in skiing in May // instead of spring skiing, a better bang for our buck, and, fall skiing opportunities will be more beneficial to our athletes skiing next winter // offer cross training sport camps like triathlon training in the spring // it is hard to convince parents of athletes to travel long distances to take part in camps // we need to be sure to fit any camps into the annual training plans of athletes at different levels of development or modify-change-adapt individual athletes training plans so that they can take part in the camp AND to ensure athletes come into the camp well rested and have a restful recovery week after the camp // follow the new CCC Athlete Matrix // make sure we plan so we achieve goals & objectives for each camp for athletes & coaches at different levels // many skiers are already committed to summer cross training sports like soccer, triathlon, swimming, cycling, track, etc so the conflicting schedules of other sports will determine participation // Frozen Thunder Camp is too close to Lake Louise Camp // Frozen Thunder is a longgg drive to share a 2-3 km loop with other skiers...athletes are better off staying at home & training // some clubs from the far north won't travel long distances to Frozen Thunder & Lake Louise & Athbasca-or-what-ever-town-has snow in October & November //