All Athletes...especially New Athletes = Copy and Print our Key Technique Words on paper (scroll down below) that you can fold up in your pocket to refer to during self-training and team-training and competitions.
Diagonal Stride: 1 = touch toque to sky tall body position and look forward with head up and hips forward (not head down and hips back); 2 = twist hips to ssswwwiiinnnggg knee and rotate hips to swing recovery knee forward; 3 = bellybutton follows recovery ski tip forward to keep hips forward during glide; 4 = keep recovery knee bent and point toes down to keep the tip of ski in the track and the tail of ski in the air so the ski doesn't drag forward during recovery; 5 = land your recovery ski forward like an airplane landing (not put it down on in the track behind you); 6 = ssswwwiiinnnggg elbow and rotate shoulder forward; 7 = popcorn snap your kick leg-foot straight down to break the ball of your foot (don't kick back or you will back-slide); 8 = crunch pole and crunch abs to break pole strap; 9 = elbow person behind you to pole back with upper body rotation; 10 = relax muscles like jello during recovery swing.
Double Poling: 1 = drive recovery elbows forward and fall forward from ankles so that your body weight comes up off of heels; 2 = open bellybutton forward; 3 = powerful poling platform with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 4 = crunch poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles at the same time as you collapse ankles with knees collapsing toward ski tips; 5 = crunch-curl your upper body like a cat; 6 = keep weight on the balls of your feet during poling effort (don't sit back on toilet); 7 = recover bounce your elbows and body forward.
Herringbone Uphill: 1 = relax and breathe; 2 = use long relaxed zone 3 bound-strides; 3 = keep recovery feet passing close to each other while stepping up the hill (don't stride with your feet way out to the side; 4 = relaxed upper body.
Kick-Pole (one step double pole): 1 = slide your kicking foot forward one boot length to prepare for powerful kick; 2 = bounce collapse your kicking ankle at the same time you ssswwwiiinnnggg your arms forward using your arm swing bounce to add power to your kick; 3 = snap your kick leg-foot straight down to break the ball of your foot (don't kick back or you will back-slide); 4 = drive everything forward together at the same time bellybutton-hip-knee-foot-ski-shoulders-elbows-poles; 5 = fall forward from ankles so that your body weight comes up off of heels; 6 = open bellybutton forward; 7 = powerful poling platform with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 8 = crunch poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles at the same time as you collapse ankles with knees collapsing toward ski tips; 9 = crunch-curl your upper body like a cat; 10 = keep weight on the balls of your feet during poling effort (don't sit back on toilet); 11 = recover bounce your elbows and body forward.
Finish each workout with 15 minutes of poling strength training, by alternating techniques between double poling up gentle hills or into the wind; and one arm poling on the flats or with the wind, changing techniques from one arm poling before your arm completely fatigues.
One Arm Poling Key Words: 1 = ski tall to touch head to sky; 2 = rotate-twist shoulders to reach forward with elbows; 3 = open bellybutton forward; 4 = crunch pole with abs to break pole strap; 5 = rotate-twist shoulders to elbow the person behind you; 6 = one arm pole with whole upper body and not just your arms.
Two Skate Technique Key Words: RECOVERY: 1 = touch "toque to sky" tall body position and look forward with head up and hips forward (not head down and hips back); 2 = "step forward" with recovery foot toward opposite ski tip; 3 = land on "outside edge" of ski; 4 = land your recovery ski forward like an "airplane" landing (not put it down on in the track behind you); 5 = glide with weight on your "baby toe" side of ski for a flat ski; 6 = "bellybutton follows" recovery ski tip forward to keep hips forward during glide; 7 = open bellybutton body tall; 8 = "collapse" ankles to "bounce" your body weight like a beach ball; 9 = "ssswwwiiinnnggg" elbows forward off of kicking foot to add power to your kick; POWER: 10 = "crunch" poles to break pole straps with upper body crunch; 11 = "karate kick" down and kick perpendicular 90 degrees to the side; 12 = follow through behind with giant arm swing (but remember that you are moving your bellybutton forward in the opposite direction of the arm swing); 13 = timing is "One-Two," with One being your kick with one leg and Two being both of your poles and kick with the other leg.
One Skate Technique Key Words: 1 = create more power from the upper body crunch compared to two skate; 2 = open bellybutton forward; 3 = "crunch" poles down to try to break pole straps by crunching abdominal muscles; 3 = powerful upper body "poling platform" with elbows elbows bent at 90 degrees during crunch; 4 = "crunch-curl" your upper body like a cat; 5 = short poling action with hands stopping beside legs (don't follow through with arms like two skate); 6 = short "quick karate kick" action; 7 = timing is "pole-kick."
Uphill Offset Technique Key Words: 1 = keep weight on "toes" with hips forward up the hill; 2 = timing is both "poles and feet contact" the snow at the same micro-milli second as your recovery foot; 3 = "answer telephone" with upper hand; 4 = move head side to side; 4 = "quick and light" short step up up the hill; 5 = "push knees" toward ski tips for glide; 6 = reach upper elbow forward and platform pole with both arms using a short "abdominal crunch" against pole straps; 7 = "equal kick" with both legs to the side; 8 = spend 66.66% percent of your time working on your non-favourite side; 9 = "switch sides" half-way up each hill with a "quick-pole-pole" transition.
Finish each workout with 15 minutes of poling strength training, by alternating techniques between double poling up gentle hills or into the wind; and one arm poling on the flats or with the wind, changing techniques from one arm poling before your arms completely fatigue.
One Arm Poling Key Words: 1 = "ski tall" to touch head to sky; 2 = "rotate-twist shoulders" to reach forward with elbows; 3 = open bellybutton forward; 4 = "crunch" abs to break pole straps with your abs; 5 = rotate-twist shoulders to "elbow the person behind you;" 6 = one arm pole with "whole upper body" and not just your arms.
Tuck Key Words: 1 = "breathe and relax" leg muscles; 2 keep weight on "balls of feet;" 3 = drop body "weight low" to the ground; 4 = bend "back flat parallel" to ground; 5 = hands together in front of you.
Downhill Corner Turn Key Words: 1 = "breathe and relax" all muscles; 2 = keep weight on "balls of feet;" 3 = drop body "weight low" to the ground; 4 = choose the "best line" by swinging wide to the outside of the turn; 5 = "wave arms" out to the side like wings on a bird for counter balance; 6 = start five "quick steps" with inside foot before turning; 7 = "lead turn with your eyes" looking at the path you want your skis to follow; 8 = lead turn with "inside hand" moving forward; 9 = lead turn with "inside foot" stepping forward about a half ski boot length; 10 = take "quick tiny popcorn steps" while going around the corner; 11 = keep your "feet moving quick until you complete your turn";" 12 = "breathe and relax" when going straight again.
Step Turn Key Words: 0 = used on flat terrain to accelerate around a corner; 2 = "lead turn with your eyes" looking at the path you want your skis to follow; 3 = reach forward with both elbows with a double-poling swing; 4 = at the same time "step forward" to lead the turn with your outside foot; 5 = both poles and your outside foot "contact" the snow at the very same time; 6 = powerful "crunch pole and karate kick" at the same time to push body around the corner; 7 = sharp fast corner use "quick kick-pole;" 8 = long slow corner use more "powerful kick-pole."
Friday 5:30pm = short 15 minute team meeting at the HorseShoe by my office for a short meeting to coordinate and confirm your RoomMates and TeamMates sleeping and food arrangements for Saturday supper, Saturday sleeping, Sunday breakfast and lunch. And, to pick up rock skis if you didn't do that yesterday. And, to help me load up our waxing benches and waxing stuff for the weekend. I am in Edmonton en route to Camrose right now...Yippeeee! Les
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:
Homework and Studying: plan your study schedule for Thursday; all of Friday evening to do homework that cannot be done in a moving vehicle; Saturday morning x 4 hours of travel time study; Saturday afternoon x 2 hours of study; Saturday evening x 2 hours of study, Sunday mid-morning x 3 hours of study; Sunday afternoon-evening x 4 hours of travel time study.
Food Preparation: buy groceries to plan your 6:00am breakfast at home early on Saturday morning; a second bag breakfast to eat at 8:30am en route to Canmore; a bag lunch #1 to eat at 10:30am before our first ski on Saturday; a second bag lunch #2 to eat at 1:00pm after our first ski; a third bag lunch #3 to eat before our second ski of the afternoon; PLUS bring a huge two day supply your favourite HEALTHY high energy high protein high carbohydrate snacks to eat as energy food before-during-after skiing...try to avoid really sugary snacks = kick-back glucose blood-sugar boost spike and collapse (a big box of "Kashi Crunch Cereal" is much healthier and cheaper than sugary granola bars). IF you wish to pre-prepare some of your food for Saturday supper and Sunday breakfast and lunch, discuss that with your RoomMates-TeamMates...see below.
...after 2:00pm on Thursday...Glide Wax Your Rock Skis and replace rollerski tips with ski pole tips: I will leave a block of Swix Blue CH6 glide wax left on the biathlon wax bench OR other old chunks of green wax left on the ski team wax bench, 2 irons, 2 scrapers, wax remover, sandpaper, heat gun or klister iron, base binder klister, klister cork in each wax room for you to glide wax and scrape your skis on Thursday or Friday (we will not be glide waxing skis in Canmore...only applying kick wax or klister wax over our base binder. Prepare the kick zone of your classic skis by sandpapering your kick zone with 80grit sandpaper, and, apply a THIN layer of base binder klister to your skis with the klister iron or heat gun and brush, and, then cork it smooth.
Thursday and Friday: complete all of your personal packing before supper on Friday night. Here is your checklist of things to bring: homework, laptop, food, personal spoon and sealable container big zip lock plastic bowl or big eating thermos jar to carry your left-over supper to eat as lunch on our bus ride back to Camrose on Sunday, lots of thin layers of your warmest winter ski clothing including warm extra mitts-gloves-buffs-toques-jackets-pants-clothing, sunglasses, rock-skis for both skate and classic technique (no good skis...they will get scratched on small rocks on the ski trail), skate and classic ski poles (change rollerski pole tips), skate and classic ski boots, rifle-ammunition-paper certification to possess and transport rifles, sleeping bag - thermorest sleeping pad - pillow (for those sleeping on the floor), headlamp-flashlight for homework, headlamp with rechargeable batteries for night skiing if it gets dark on Saturday, lots of $10 and $5 bills ("cash" to give to one athlete on during the bus ride to pay for everyone's trail passes and biathlon range fees when we arrive on Saturday), training journal to share with coaches, one extra towels for showering at Nordic Centre or lodge (there are not enough in our rooms), two water bottles & waist water bottle carrier, book to read if you don't have too much homework so that you don't distract studying teammates, deck of cards for study breaks, PLEASE let me know what to add to this list _____? _____? _____?
Our #1 goal and reason to travel to Canmore is to focus on fundamental ski technique: the first 1,000 and 10,000 strides of our ski technique will program our muscle memory for the rest of the winter, so we need to focus on perfect execution of ski technique...starting on the flats with poles, and, progressing to all techniques over the weekend. IF we don't start our first ski strides perfectly, and you start skiing without perfect technique, you will have to spend a lot of time and energy = mental energy and physical energy trying to correct ski technique errors for the rest of the season
Our other goal is volume training: we will not be doing any intensity skiing, because we will not combine intensity with volume at high altitude. We may do some short speed skiing technique (two skate, one skate, diagonal stride, double pole, kick pole) down gentle slopes, for muscle movement memory at race pace, without any cardiovascular effort. We are conserving our energy for next Saturday October 27th= our ACAC Cross Country Running Championships which we are hosting here at Augustana.
Our other goal is shooting training: for our biathletes to prepare for our first biathlon race November 24-25.
Our MOST IMPORTANT PRIORITY = student-athletes: to complete as much homework study as we can during the weekend.
COSTS: Bring cash to pay for your trail fees ($10/day), biathlon range fee ($5/day) and your food costs to buy groceries. Augustana is paying for travel-bus costs, accommodations and coaches expenses.
This is our proposed draft of our schedule for this weekend.
Friday...until 9:00pm: complete as much of your study homework as possible. For study breaks...complete all of your personal packing so you can go to bed at 9:00pm.
Prepare Saturday Packs to have accessible on the bus and leave in the Day Lodge or in the Bus or the Wax Room: dress in your ski clothing for the trip to Canmore, two full water bottles, homework, food for Saturday, $10-$15 cash for trail-range fees, change of dry clothing-sandals for lunch-study in Day Lodge, ski boots in your ski bag,
9:00pm: sleep time x 9 hours needed for volume training
6:00am = breakfast #1
6:30am = arrive outside my office doors to load our van and trailer
6:45am sharp = we leave for Canmore x 4 hours of study time + breakfast #2 + lunch #1 and meet in your cooking groups to decide on menu plan and groceries for supper-breakfast-lunch
10:45am = arrive at Canmore Nordic Centre
11:00am = everyone skate ski technique
12:30pm = biathletes snack break #1 and biathletes prepare for shooting
12:30noon = skiers snack break #1 and continue skate ski technique or possibly change over to classic skiing...depending on ski track condition
1:00pm = biathletes shooting training with skis routine and snack break #2
1:30pm = skiers lunch #2 and study break in the Day Lodge and klister application
3:00pm = biathletes lunch #2 and study break in the Day Lodge
4:00pm = some team mates buy groceries for your cooking groups supper-breakfast-lunch and individual coach:athlete meetings (other team mates will cook meals and wash dishes)
5:00pm = lunch #3
5:30pm = everyone classic ski technique
7:00pm = leave Nordic Centre and check into Banff Boundary Lodge
8:00pm = supper and prepare travel lunches for tomorrow and study time
9:30pm = sleep
6:00am = breakfast #1 and check out of hotel
6:45am = leave for Nordic Centre
7:00am = everyone classic ski technique
9:00am = breakfast #2 in Ski Lodge and study
10:30am = biathletes shooting training and skate technique
12:30noon = biathletes and skiers lunch #1
1:00pm = skiers skate technique
2:15pm = biathletes skate technique
3:30pm = load van & trailer
3:45pm = leave for Camrose x 4 hours of study and eat prepared bag-container supper-leftovers-lunch #2 en route
RoomMates in the King Suites at Banff Boundary Lodge: use email to decide amongst your roommates-teammates on sleeping arrangements and planning your supper, breakfast and lunch: who wants to share beds or only have one athlete per bed and who can bring along sleeping bags, thermorests sleeping pads and pillows...some athletes don't have sleeping bags. The suites are big and clean, each suite has one bedroom with a King Bed, a second bedroom with Queen, a double pull out sofa-bed in the living room, a complete kitchenette, a full bathroom and a half bathroom.
Room #1: Jenny, Keely, Davis, Rachel, Taya, _____? (We welcome Rachel = a 2nd Kinesiology student, and a xc ski teammate of Davis from Grande Prairie...her number is 780-978-4656)
Room #2: Lauren, Emma, Johanna, Ilona, Maja, _____?
Room #3: Alex, RyanB, Sasha, Devin, _____?
Room #4: Kieran, Andrew, Hans, Nick, _____?
Email each other: Taya Hoar ; Rachel BurkingshawZelko ; Alex Frost ; Jenny Paterson ; Davis Alton ; Nick Lenko ; Ryan Burlingame ; Devin Bergquist ; Keely MacCulloch ; Sasha Eccleston ; Hans Asfeldt ; Maja Zimmermann ; Lauren Brookes ; Andrew Brisbin ; Kieran Baird ; Emma Norris ; Johanna Ferrie ; Ilona Gyapay
Canadian Birkebeiner Registration and Deadline = today x Wednesday: xc skiers and biathletes have been asking who is going to pay for your Birkie registration fee. I have decided that each athlete will pay for your own $75 registration fee on-line. Keep your electronic receipt. At the end of the season, after nationals, if I have enough money in our team budget, I will reimburse you for your fee. I want to make sure we have enough money in our budget to travel to Whistler. I really want all of our athletes to do the is a world class event in our own backyard. IF you cannot afford the $75 fee, I will pay for you out of my own pocket...because I don't want you to miss this great event. Registration =
Canmore Race Preparation = to complete before Thursday night, so that you can relax on Friday night and focus on studying:
Canmore Race Preparation = to complete before Thursday night, so that you can relax on Friday night and focus on studying:
#1: Glide Wax and Scrape all of your race skis that you want to test for glide for racing in Canmore this weekend. To test skis for glide and kick for our Canada Cup Glide wax and scrape your skis with the Swix LF6 Blue Glide Wax...I have left a block of this glide wax in the Swix translucent wax container in each wax room...this Swix LF6 is for your race skis only. There is another container of other glide wax pieces for your rock training skis. You must do the same precise wax job and number of scrapes and brushes precisely the same on all skis that you are testing for glide, to compare 2 or 3 pairs of skis. Clean your kick zones with wax remover, but do not sandpaper your kick zones. We will do our skate ski testing Very First Thing on Friday evening in Canmore, and, our classic ski glide testing on Saturday during our sprint race cool down.
#1: Glide Wax and Scrape all of your race skis that you want to test for glide for racing in Canmore this weekend. To test skis for glide and kick for our Canada Cup Glide wax and scrape your skis with the Swix LF6 Blue Glide Wax...I have left a block of this glide wax in the Swix translucent wax container in each wax room...this Swix LF6 is for your race skis only. There is another container of other glide wax pieces for your rock training skis. You must do the same precise wax job and number of scrapes and brushes precisely the same on all skis that you are testing for glide, to compare 2 or 3 pairs of skis. Clean your kick zones with wax remover, but do not sandpaper your kick zones. We will do our skate ski testing Very First Thing on Friday evening in Canmore, and, our classic ski glide testing on Saturday during our sprint race cool down.
#2: RoomMates for Cooking Meals: Guys = Hans, Kieran, Nick and Andrew; Gals = Ilona, Emma, Taya and Lauren. Talk to your teammates in your hotel room, to plan and buy your groceries in Camrose before Thursday night (for breakfast and lunch and snacks on Saturday), so we won't have to go grocery shopping in Canmore until Saturday afternoon. Bring your food in sturdy cardboard boxes from the grocery store, so they don't get squished in the back of our bus or trailer. Buy groceries to plan your to eat a bag lunch #1 en route to Canmore; a bag supper #2 to eat at 6:00pm en route to Canmore before or after we do our ski testing; your pre-race breakfast on Saturday morning; your easily digestible carbo-lunch on Saturday between qualifying and heats; a second bag lunch #2 to eat after the heats; PLUS BRING a huge three day supply your favourite HEALTHY high energy high protein high carbohydrate snacks and fruits to eat as energy food before-during-after skiing...try to avoid really sugary snacks = kick-back glucose blood-sugar boost spike and collapse (a big box of "Kashi Crunch Cereal" is much healthier and cheaper than sugary granola bars). IF you wish to pre-prepare pre-cook some of your food for Friday-Saturday-Sunday supper...discuss that with the teammates staying in your room.
#3: Plan your homework studies for: Friday x 4.5 hours travel time; Saturday x 4-6 hours; Sunday x 4.5 hours travel time. Bring your head-lamp to study in the van en route.
#4: Copy and Print a copy of your race course trail maps to use for your race strategy discussion with Les while driving to Canmore, including segmenting your race course loops.
5: Checklist of things Bring: light rain jacket and extra change of race clothing for forecast rain or wet snow for the sprint race and possibly cold weather; homework, laptop, food for Friday night and Saturday morning and lunch, personal spoon and sealable container big zip lock plastic bowl or big eating thermos jar to carry your left-over Saturday supper to eat as lunch on our van ride back to Camrose on Sunday, headlamp with rechargeable batteries for studying, training journal to share with coaches, one small towel for showering at Nordic Centre, two water bottles and waist water bottle carrier, book to read if you don't have too much homework so that you don't distract studying teammates, deck of cards for study breaks, let me know what to add to this list _____?
#3: Plan your homework studies for: Friday x 4.5 hours travel time; Saturday x 4-6 hours; Sunday x 4.5 hours travel time. Bring your head-lamp to study in the van en route.
#4: Copy and Print a copy of your race course trail maps to use for your race strategy discussion with Les while driving to Canmore, including segmenting your race course loops.
5: Checklist of things Bring: light rain jacket and extra change of race clothing for forecast rain or wet snow for the sprint race and possibly cold weather; homework, laptop, food for Friday night and Saturday morning and lunch, personal spoon and sealable container big zip lock plastic bowl or big eating thermos jar to carry your left-over Saturday supper to eat as lunch on our van ride back to Camrose on Sunday, headlamp with rechargeable batteries for studying, training journal to share with coaches, one small towel for showering at Nordic Centre, two water bottles and waist water bottle carrier, book to read if you don't have too much homework so that you don't distract studying teammates, deck of cards for study breaks, let me know what to add to this list _____?
Fri Nov 30: 2:00pm load van and trailer; 2:15pm van departs for Canmore; 6:30pm arrive at nordic centre to set up wax room; 45-60min; Z1; test skate skis for glide, and, ski your sprint course one time "EXTREMELY SLOWLY" x Zone 0 = Great GrandParents Pace; while Les is at 7:00pm Coaches Meeting.
Sat Dec 1: Canmore Canada Cup = Sprint Freestyle Skate Race; 25min Z4 + 120min Z1. Alberta Cup = Distance Freestyle Skate Race; 25min Z4 + 75min Z1.
Skiers staying in Camrose: 1:00pm; meet at our wax room to kick wax skis and walk over to the ski trails; classic ski technique; 90-120 minutes; intensity intervals of 2 minutes race pace and 2 minutes of slow recovery skiing; repeat 8 to 12 intervals
Skiers staying in Camrose: 90min-120min Z1; skate technique.
Sat Dec 1: Canmore Canada Cup = Sprint Freestyle Skate Race; 25min Z4 + 120min Z1. Alberta Cup = Distance Freestyle Skate Race; 25min Z4 + 75min Z1.
Skiers staying in Camrose: 1:00pm; meet at our wax room to kick wax skis and walk over to the ski trails; classic ski technique; 90-120 minutes; intensity intervals of 2 minutes race pace and 2 minutes of slow recovery skiing; repeat 8 to 12 intervals
Sun Dec 2: Canmore Canada Cup and Alberta Cup Race = Distance Classic Race; 45/60min Z4 + 75min Z1.
Skiers staying in Camrose: 1:00pm; meet at our wax room to kick wax skis and walk over to the ski trails; classic ski technique; 120-180 minutes; long slow distance ski to explore all of our ski trails
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